Steps to License WFAS Tools & WrapStat

WERT works in partnership with UW CoMotion to license the WFAS tools for public use. To access CoMotion Agreements for each WFAS tool, follow each tool’s respective links below. Once you are ready to license, download the applicable license document(s) from the "Supporting documents" section (one for each tool), fill out the necessary fields, obtain the appropriate signatures, and send the completed document to UW CoMotion at for review and signature.

Qualifications for Use. The WFI-EZ and TOM2.0 tools were designed to be fairly straightforward and easy to use. However, there are criteria tool administrators must meet and standardized procedures WERT provides for training interviewers, observers and survey administrators. The DART, a newer tool, requires training directly from WERT staff. 

Contact with questions about licensing and WFAS tool trainings, or to arrange a DART training. 

Licensing Fees for Use

License fees include all training and support materials, technical assistance from WERT, and unlimited access to WrapStat, the online data entry and reporting system.

The WFAS tool pricing structure is based on the program’s or system’s average daily number of "Enrolled Youth," meaning an estimate of the average number of youth enrolled in your organization's Wraparound program/initiative on any given day.  

A note for collaborators! Student collaborators or small programs for whom these fees represent a significant burden can request a reduction or waiver of fees. Please contact us at