Our Work

WERT works to help young people with complex needs live and thrive in their homes and communities by providing research, evaluation, and data support focused on improving access to and effectiveness of Wraparound care coordination. We do this through projects involving site and system level partners while working with the Wraparound and research communities at large.

View Our Work:
Published Research | Webinars & Presentations

To achieve our mission, WERT’s work focuses on the following domains:

  • Federally Funded Research

    UW WERT is part of the University of Washington, which ranks first in federal research funding among public universities. WERT has received seven federal research grants from sources such as the National Institute of Mental Health to develop and test community- and school-based Wraparound models, as well as supportive technologies for Wraparound, such as fidelity measures, a Wraparound-specific Electronic Health Record, and a text-based client outcomes monitoring system.

  • Wraparound Fidelity Measures and Implementation Tools

    UW WERT develops, refines, and supports use of the measures of the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS). WFAS tools include the Wraparound Fidelity Index – Shortened (WFI-EZ) survey tool, the Document Assessment and Review Tool (DART), and the Team Observation Measure (TOM2.0). For more information, visit our tools page.To license one or more of the WFAS tools, visit our licensing page.  WFAS tool users are also given access to WrapStat, a HIPAA-compliant data management system designed to collect, manage, and create reports on WFAS tool data and youth outcomes.

  • Support to States and Systems of Care

    UW WERT and our partners also provide tailored and intensive training and technical assistance to states, counties, managed care entities, and systems to aid their research, evaluation and continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts. UW WERT helps states and communities identify their information and data needs, develop evaluation/CQI plans, collect data, analyze data, communicate results to stakeholders, and use data to continually improve. Click through for more information.

  • Research on Care Coordination and Other Intensive Services

    Whether it extends from federally funded research, data compiled in WrapStat, or some other source, WERT is active in identifying information needs of the youth and family services field, conducting research to answer key questions, and disseminating findings to the field. Research topics include the effectiveness of Wraparound and other service models, the influence of state systems, standards for intensive in-home services, and effectiveness of training and technical assistance. Visit our published researchpage and webinars/presentations page to view research UW WERT has done in the past.