Published Research by the WERT Team

  • Bruns, Eric J; Olson, Jonathan R; Parigoris, Ryan M; Parker, Elizabeth M; Walker, Janet S. (2023). Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the Wraparound Fidelity Index Short Form (WFI-EZ). Journal of Child and Family Studies. 32, 1855-1868.

    Purtle, J., Stadnick, N.A., Wynecoop, M., Bruns E.J., & Aarons, G.A. (2023). A policy implementation study of earmarked taxes for mental health services: study protocol. Implement Sci Commun 4, 37.

    Purtle, Jonathan; Stadnick, Nicole A; Wynecoop, Megan; Walker, Sarah C; Bruns, Eric J; Aarons, Gregory A. (2023). A Tale of Two Taxes: Implementation of Earmarked Taxes for Behavioral Health Services in California and Washington State. Psychiatric Services. appi. ps. 20230257.

  • Olson, Jonathan R; Berntson, Taylor; Zabel, Michelle D; Matarese, Marlene; Bruns, Eric J. (2022). Evaluation of a systems-level technical assistance program to support youth with complex behavioral health needs. Evaluation and Program Planning. 102059. DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.102059

  • Bruns, Eric J; Benjamin, Philip H; Shepler, Richard N; Kellogg, Marianne; Pluckebaum, Hunter; Woolston, Joseph L; English, Kelly; Zabel, Michelle D. (2021) Manuscript: Defining Quality Standards for Intensive Home Based Treatment Programs for Youth with Serious Emotional Disorders. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 48, 1065-1088. DOI: 10.1007/s10488-021-01116-8

    Duong, Mylien T; Bruns, Eric J; Lee, Kristine; Cox, Shanon; Coifman, Jessica; Mayworm, Ashley; Lyon, Aaron R. (2021). Rates of mental health service utilization by children and adolescents in schools and other common service settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 48, 420-439. doi: 10.1007/s10488-020-01080-9.

    Olson, Jonathan R; Lucy, Megan; Kellogg, Marianne A; Schmitz, Kelcey; Berntson, Taylor; Stuber, Jennifer; Bruns, Eric J. (2021). What happens when training goes virtual? Adapting training and technical assistance for the school mental health workforce in response to COVID-19. School Mental Health. 16, 160-173. doi: 10.1007/s12310-020-09401-x

    Olson, Jonathan R; Benjamin, Philip H; Azman, Alya A; Kellogg, Marianne A; Pullmann, Michael D; Suter, Jesse C; Bruns, Eric J. (2021). Systematic review and meta-analysis: Effectiveness of wraparound care coordination for children and adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 60, 1353-1366. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2021.02.022

    Olson, Jonathan R; Azman, Alya; Estep, Kimberly M; Coviello, Kimberly A; Robshaw, Shannon; Bruns, Eric J. (2021). Influences of inner and outer settings on wraparound implementation outcomes. Global Implementation Research and Applications. 1, 77-89.

    Walker, Sarah Cusworth; Gubner, Noah; Iztguttinov, Aniyar; Rodriguez, Felix; Davis, Paul; Lyon, Aaron; Kerns, Suzanne; Bruns, Eric; Qian, Jiage; Sedlar, Georganna. (2021). The implementation potential of a method to monitor empirically-supported children’s mental health treatment through claims data. BMC Health Services Research. 21, 1-12. DOI:

  • Olson, Jonathan R; Coldiron, Jennifer Schurer; Parigoris, Ryan M; Zabel, Michelle D; Matarese, Marlene; Bruns, Eric J. (2020). Developing an evidence-based Technical Assistance Model: a Process Evaluation of the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 47, 312-330. doi: 10.1007/s11414-020-09686-5.

    Purtle, Jonathan; Nelson, Katherine L; Bruns, Eric J; Hoagwood, Kimberly E. (2020). Dissemination strategies to accelerate the policy impact of children’s mental health services research. Psychiatric services. 11, 1170-1178. doi: 10.1007/s11414-020-09686-5

    McHugh, Sheena; Dorsey, Caitlin N; Mettert, Kayne; Purtle, Jonathan; Bruns, Eric; Lewis, Cara C. (2020). Measures of outer setting constructs for implementation research: a systematic review and analysis of psychometric quality. Implementation Research and Practice. 1, 2.63E+15.

  • Bruns, Eric J; Parker, Elizabeth M; Hensley, Spencer; Pullmann, Michael D; Benjamin, Philip H; Lyon, Aaron R; Hoagwood, Kimberly E. (2019). The role of the outer setting in implementation: associations between state demographic, fiscal, and policy factors and use of evidence-based treatments in mental healthcare. Implementation Science. 14, 1-3. doi: 10.1186/s13012-019-0944-9

    Coldiron, Jennifer Schurer; Hensley, Spencer W; Parigoris, Ryan M; Bruns, Eric J. (2019.) Randomized control trial findings of a wraparound program for dually involved youth. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 27, 195-208.

  • Bruns, Eric J; Hook, Alyssa N; Parker, Elizabeth M; Esposito, Isabella; Sather, April; Parigoris, Ryan M; Lyon, Aaron R; Hyde, Kelly L. (2018). Impact of a web-based electronic health record on behavioral health service delivery for children and adolescents: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 20, e10197. doi: 10.2196/10197

    Bruns, Eric; Hook, Alyssa; Esposito, Isabella; Parker, Elizabeth; Sather, April; Hyde, Kelly. (2018). Can an electronic health record (EHR) promote implementation quality and fidelity in children's behavioral health? Results of a randomized study. Implementation Science. 13.

    Wu, Benjamin; Bruns, Eric J; Tai, Ming-Hui; Lee, Bethany R; Raghavan, Ramesh; DosReis, Susan. (2018). Psychotropic polypharmacy among youths with serious emotional and behavioral disorders receiving coordinated care services. Psychiatric Services. 69, 716-722. doi: 10.1176/

  • Gopalan, Geetha; Horen, Maria Jose; Bruns, Eric; Corey, Miera; Meteyer, Sarah; Pardue, Morgan; Lane, Tynetta; Matarese, Marlene. (2017). Caregiver perceptions of parent peer support services within the wraparound service delivery model. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 26, 1923-1935. ttps://

    Sedlar, Georganna; Bruns, Eric J; Walker, Sarah C; Kerns, Suzanne EU; Negrete, Andrea. (2017). Developing a quality assurance system for multiple evidence based practices in a statewide service improvement initiative. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 44, 29-41. DOI: 10.1007/s10488-015-0663-8

    Schurer Coldiron, Jennifer; Bruns, Eric Jerome; Quick, Henrietta. (2017. A comprehensive review of wraparound care coordination research, 1986–2014. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 26, 1245-1265.

  • Bruns, Eric J; Kerns, Suzanne EU; Pullmann, Michael D; Hensley, Spencer W; Lutterman, Ted; Hoagwood, Kimberly E. (2016). Research, data, and evidence-based treatment use in state behavioral health systems, 2001–2012. Psychiatric Services. 67, 496-503. doi: 10.1176/

    Bruns, Eric J; Hyde, Kelly L; Sather, April; Hook, Alyssa N; Lyon, Aaron R. (2016). Applying user input to the design and testing of an electronic behavioral health information system for wraparound care coordination. Administration and policy in mental health and mental health services research. 43, 350-368. doi: 10.1007/s10488-015-0658-5.

    Sather, April; Bruns, Eric J. (2016). National trends in implementing wraparound: Results of the state wraparound survey, 2013. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 25, 3160-3172.

  • Bruns, Eric J; Weathers, Ericka S; Suter, Jesse C; Hensley, Spencer; Pullmann, Michael D; Sather, April. (2015). Psychometrics, reliability, and validity of a wraparound team observation measure. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 24, 979-991. doi: 10.1007/s10826-014-9908-5

    Bruns, Eric J; Pullmann, Michael D; Sather, April; Brinson, Ramona Denby; Ramey, Michelle. (2015). Effectiveness of wraparound versus case management for children and adolescents: Results of a randomized study. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 42, 309-322. DOI: 10.1007/s10488-014-0571-3

  • Bruns, Eric J; Pullmann, Michael D. (2014). Children's mental health: let's build bridges, not admire the divides. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 53, 1131-1133.

    Bruns, Eric J; Walker, Janet S; Bernstein, Adam; Daleiden, Eric; Pullmann, Michael D; Chorpita, Bruce F. (2014). Family voice with informed choice: coordinating wraparound with research-based treatment for children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. 43, 256-269.

  • Pullmann, Michael D; Bruns, Eric J; Sather, April K. (2013). Evaluating fidelity to the wraparound service model for youth: application of item response theory to the Wraparound Fidelity Index. Psychological Assessment. 25, 583. doi: 10.1037/a0031864

  • Bruns, Eric J; Pullmann, Michael D; Weathers, Ericka S; Wirschem, Mark L; Murphy, Jill K. (2012). Effects of a multidisciplinary family treatment drug court on child and family outcomes: Results of a quasi-experimental study. Child Maltreatment.m17, 218-230. doi: 10.1177/1077559512454216

  • Bertram, Rosalyn M; Suter, Jesse C; Bruns, Eric J; O’Rourke, Koren E. (2011). Implementation research and wraparound literature: Building a research agenda. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 20, 713-725.

    Bruns, Eric J; Sather, April; Pullmann, Michael D; Stambaugh, Leyla Faw. (2011). National trends in implementing wraparound: Results from the state wraparound survey. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 20, 726-735.

  • Bruns, Eric J; Walker, Janet S. (2010). Defining practice: Flexibility, legitimacy, and the nature of systems of care and wraparound. Evaluation and Program Planning. 33, 45-48.

    Bruns, Eric J; Walker, Janet S; Zabel, Michelle; Matarese, Marlene; Estep, Kimberly; Harburger, Deborah; Mosby, Madge; Pires, Sheila A. (2010). Intervening in the lives of youth with complex behavioral health challenges and their families: The role of the wraparound process. American journal of community psychology. 46, 314-331. doi: 10.1007/s10464-010-9346-5

    Walker, Janet S; Koroloff, Nancy M; Bruns, Eric J. (2010). Defining “necessary” services and supports: Why systems of care must take direction from service-level processes. Evaluation and Program Planning. 33, 49-52.

  • Suter, Jesse C; Bruns, Eric J. (2009). Effectiveness of the wraparound process for children with emotional and behavioral disorders: A meta-analysis. Clinical child and family psychology review. 12, 336-351. DOI: 10.1007/s10567-009-0059-y

  • Bruns, Eric J; Suter, Jesse C; Leverentz-Brady, Kristen. (2008). Is it wraparound yet? Setting quality standards for implementation of the wraparound process. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 35, 240-252. DOI: 10.1007/s11414-008-9109-3

    Bruns, Eric J; Hoagwood, Kimberly Eaton. (2008). State implementation of evidence-based practice for youths, part I: Responses to the state of the evidence. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 47, 369-373. DOI: 10.1097/CHI.0b013e31816485f4

    Bruns, Eric J; Hoagwood, Kimberly Eaton; Rivard, Jeanne C; Wotring, Jim; Marsenich, Lynne; Carter, Bill. (2008). State implementation of evidence-based practice for youths, part II: Recommendations for research and policy. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 47, 499-504. DOI: 10.1097/CHI.0b013e3181684557

  • Bruns, Eric J; Walrath, Christine M; Sheehan, Angela K. (2007). Who administers wraparound? An examination of the training, beliefs, and implementation supports for wraparound providers. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 15, 156-168.

  • Bruns, Eric J; Suter, Jesse C; Leverentz-Brady, Kristen M. (2006). Relations between program and system variables and fidelity to the wraparound process for children and families. Psychiatric Services. 57, 1586-1593. DOI: 10.1176/ps.2006.57.11.1586

    Bruns, Eric J; Rast, Jim; Peterson, Christa; Walker, Janet; Bosworth, Jone. (2006). Spreadsheets, service providers, and the statehouse: Using data and the wraparound process to reform systems for children and families. American Journal of Community Psychology. 38, 201-212.

    Walker, Janet S; Bruns, Eric J. (2006). The wraparound process: Individualized, community-based care for children and adolescents with intensive needs. Community Mental Health. 65-76.

    Walker, Janet S; Bruns, Eric J. (2006). Building on practice-based evidence: Using expert perspectives to define the Wraparound process. Psychiatric Services. 57 (11).

  • Bruns, Eric J; Suter, Jesse C; Force, Michelle M; Burchard, John D. (2005). Adherence to wraparound principles and association with outcomes. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 14, 521-534.

  • Bruns, Eric J; Burchard, John D; Suter, Jesse C; Leverentz-Brady, Kristen; Force, Michelle M (2004). Assessing fidelity to a community-based treatment for youth: The Wraparound Fidelity Index. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 12, 79-89.