WrapStat is an online HIPAA-compliant data collection, management, and reporting system created by WERT and the 3C Institute, and is designed to be used in conjunction with one or more of the tools in the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS).
WrapStat asks licensed users to enter basic information on all enrolled youth, such as Unique ID, age, date of enrollment, date, care coordinator, and status at discharge. With that youth roster in place, WrapStat then allows users to:
Track Wraparound enrollments and discharges
Create random samples of youth for WFAS tool data collection
Send invitation and reminder e-mails and texts to WFI-EZ survey respondents
Collect WFAS tool data as they are completed
Prepare standardized WFI-EZ, TOM 2.0 and DART reports and Excel dataset exports with point-and-click filters
Monitor other critical indicators, such as length of stay, reasons for discharge, fidelity, satisfaction, and outcomes
WrapStat and the WFAS tools can be used by individual Wraparound providers, multi-site initiatives, and statewide fidelity initiatives. To license one or more of the WFAS tools and gain access to WrapStat, visit our licensing page.
For more information on how WrapStat works, view our past webinars: